Can I opt out or in when my clan goes to war?

Can I opt out or in when my clan goes to war?

Each Clasher can indicate whether or not they’d like to join in Clan Wars by following these steps:
  1. Access your Player Profile page by tapping the “XP button" that indicates your level next to the XP bar in your village view
  2. Tap the “In/Out” button to select your Clan War preference.
Note that this preference indicator is more of a suggestion for your Clan Leader and Co-leaders. Whoever starts the Clan War is still ultimately responsible for choosing who joins the Clan War team. This means that even though you have pressed the "I'm In" button the leader still needs to select you for the War lineup. If you've indicated that you're not available, the leader can still include you in the lineup.

If your Clan Leaders persistently take you into war against your wishes, please use the Clan Chat to reach out to them and talk things through.
