A player is being offensive in our Clan, help!

A player is being offensive in our Clan, help!

If your Clan settings are set to "anyone can join", you might want to restrict them to "invite only" or "closed" in order to best control who comes and goes.

You can also choose to filter out offensive language using the toggle switch in your in-game settings screen.

Also note that if a player is kicked out of a Clan, he/she is not able to join the Clan for 24 hours. If a request to join is denied, the player also has to wait 24 hours before sending a new one. Our hope is that this will help prevent offensive players from harassing clans. 

If you’re having problems with players for any of the following reasons, please tap on the offensive messages and select "Report". We will moderate the message within 48 hours and act based upon the gravity of the situation.
  • Offensive language (swearing, cursing, hurtful comments about ethnicity or race, or saying inappropriate things)
  • Threatening others
  • Asking for personal information or Game Center/Google account log-in details
At the same time it's good to note that we have designed this game with a major social component. We want to give players a certain level of freedom in choosing what type of clan to run (within reason, of course). That's why clans are self-regulated, and also why Clash is intended for players of at least 18 years of age, or 13 and above with parental consent.a

Rest assured that we will take the appropriate actions regarding any inappropriate behavior.
