Clash of Clans World Championships - which sign up method do I choose?

Clash of Clans World Championships - which sign up method do I choose?

Teams can sign up either through the game by simply playing Clan War Leagues, or the online qualifiers, or both! Once Clans reach the very top, they are manually vetted, verified and contacted.

You need to only worry about giving it your all and showing off your skill.

Some points about choosing one way of participating over the other:
  • The online pre-qualifier might be an easier or harder route to the Championship - nobody can know which route is easier or harder!
  • The online pre-qualifier is the only way to qualify if you don't have 15 Town Hall 12s in your Clan. Going through the ESL Online pre-qualifier only requires 5 Town Hall 12 accounts to sign up.
  • If your Clan is not in Champion I, you can still get a shot to make it through the online pre-qualifier.
  • If not all of your friends are playing in the same Clan, you can still get together and fight through the ESL Pre-qualifier.
